Ominio sticky rice highlighted at the Salone del Gusto, Turin Italy

Ominio sticky rice highlighted at the Salone del Gusto, Turin Italy

Heirloom rice of the Cordillera

Poster at Slow Food Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto

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The Cordillera Heirloom Rice Project is again well represented at the 2012 Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, which is happening this week October 25-October 29 in Turin, Italy. Vicky Garcia heads our delegation along with farmer representatives from the three heirloom rice-producing communities that are represented in The Slow Food Foundation’s “Ark of Taste”.

In the opening ceremony attended by thousands of participants, speakers Alice Waters, Vandana Shiva and FAO Director José Graziano Da Silva, to name a few, addressed the themes of DIVERSITY, SEEDS, EDUCATION, NETWORK, EARTH, WATER, ENERGY and BIODIVERSITY. All of these ideas are central to the work of our project.

On Saturday October 27, the purple ominio sticky rice of Barlig, Mountain Province will be highlighted in a taste workshop on Traditional Rices of Asia.