Research on native rice varieties presented at conferences

Research on native rice varieties presented at conferences

RICE, Inc. welcomes serious researchers who wish to observe the project. In 2008, three foreign graduate students conducted research around some aspect of native rice varieties. Recently, the results from two of the researchers were presented at conferences in the United Kingdom and France.

Giselle Aris, masters candidate at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University, was invited to present her research at the Green Templeton College Human Welfare Conference on “Globalisation and Human Welfare: Innovations in Sustainable Solutions.” The student conference took place on May 9-10, 2009.

Ms Aris also presented her research at Cambridge University’s Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) International Workshop on May 22, 2009.  The workshop theme was “Fair Trade – A Moral economy? Does Fair Trade change the rules of the economic game?”

Inspecting the harvest in Pasil, Kalinga

Inspecting the harvest in Pasil, Kalinga

Her thesis is entitled Producer Organization: A Market-led Approach to Tackling Poverty in the Rural Philippines.  At the GTC Human Welfare Conference, Giselle received the William Kadetz Memorial Award for Innovation in Human Welfare Research.

Ms Aris has accepted a position with the Navachetana Foundation, a microfinance NGO based in Haveri, a rural town in Karnanataka state, India. Congratulations and best wishes to Giselle as she embarks on new challenges in her chosen career!

Aurelie Durquet , a doctoral candidate at the Museum National d’ Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France presented her research at an International Symposium on “Localizing products: a sustainable approach for natural and cultural diversity in the South,” on June 9-11, 2009 in Paris.

Ms Durquet’s doctoral thesis is entitled: Le riz Tinawon de la province ifugao (Philippines): commercialisation, recompositions sociales et territoriales.

The aim of this international conference was to bring together the scientific communities of both South and North countries across a range of disciplines whose complementary approaches are indispensable to a full comprehension of current issues. The symposium highlighted research and development programs supported by national research agencies, the European Union and other national and international organizations such as the French Global Environment Fund, MAB/UNESCO and the World Wildlife Federation in the areas of biodiversity, agriculture, and sustainable development. The symposium was organized by UNESCO, IRD, CIRAD, and MNHN.

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